New - EcoStakes Round Top - 100% BioDegradable PHA stakes
These ecologically sound stakes are ideal for holding the paper mulches in place. Position
along edges about every 2-4 feet. 6 inch length provides good anchoring to the soil and hold
down of the mulch.
*** Each order includes 3" OD paperboard gaskets (free) - just slip onto the EcoStake for
extra-hold > FREE gaskets prevent and eliminate any mulch tearing
These stakes are a great choice for all environmentally concsious gardening and landscape
applications. At the end of the season, toss a little soil on any part of the remaining stakes and
allow the stakes to decompose.
Excellent option to metal landscape pins which rust and can be hazardous.
For use with all our Mulch Products
Choose 100, 250 or 500 packs