Cover Crop - Crimson Clover (Trifolium Incarnatum)
$9.99 - $59.99
Don't let a early fall frost damage your plants. Floating Row Covers can protect plants from frosts to about 28 degrees F.
Our FrostGuard is made of soft, polypropylene fibers, they warm the soil while allowing air, light and water to penetrate. The covers are also less abrasive to tender plants than polyester covers. With proper care, the covers can be used for Fall Frost Protection AND then again in the Spring season.
Protects your crops from weather extremes, and early frosts. They allow for 85% light transmission, while moderating temperatures. FrostGuard Agribon covers incorporate a UV stabilizer, making them strong, durable and reusable.
1 roll per carton. Price per carton